
KÉRDÉSEK ÉS VÁLASZOK_environment_.102.pdf (51,5 kB)
KÉRDÉSEK ÉS VÁLASZOK_environment_.103.pdf (61,8 kB)
KÉRDÉSEK ÉS VÁLASZOK_weather_.107.pdf (63 kB)


More questions:

Why is nature important?

Do you worry about the environment?

What are the biggest problems facing our environment?

What would you do to save our environment?

Do you think that governments should care more about its economy or the environment?

Would you give money to or actively campaign for environmental causes?

What do you think of environmental groups like Greenpeace?

How important is the natural environment to you in your daily life?

Are you environmentally friendly?

If the environment could speak, what would it tell us?

Is global warming happening?

Is recycling too much of a hassle?

What can be the solutions to economical problems?

Do you believe overpopulation is a major issue? If so, what can be done about it?

How does overpopulation affect you?

How will the world look in 100 years?

Are you environmentally friendly?

Do you turn off the water when you brush your teeth?

How often do you use public transit? 

Does your community offer a recycling program? 

Do you think recycling is an important service for communities to provide?

How often do you throw gum wrappers, cigarette butts, etc. onto the street? 

What types of energy are popular in your country? For example, coal, gas, nuclear power. 

What does your house or apartment use?

What temperature do you usually keep your house at?

When you travel, do you usually drink bottled water? Why or why not? 

What about when you're at home?In your opinion, what can cities do to improve their air quality?

How are products packaged in your country?

For example, how do you usually buy milk, electronic equipment and clothing?

Do you think companies are more or less environmentally responsible now than they were in the past?

Tell about one thing you do to help the environment.

How often do you turn off the lights when you leave the room?

What interesting records or facts do you know in the environment?


List all of the natural disasters that you can think of.

What type of natural disaster are you most afraid of?

What are some recent natural disasters?

What are some of the most famous natural disasters that have ever occured in the world?

What causes natural disasters? Do humans have anything to do with mother nature’s ugly side?

When natural disasters cause damage whose responsibility is it to help the country? Is it the government’s responsibility? How can the private sector help?

What can people do to prepare for natural disasters?


Do you know someone who has done any volunteer work?What was it?Did he or she enjoy it?

How can you help after a natural disaster?

If you could volunteer to help after a natural disaster, what could you do?

Have you ever volunteered to help in a disaster?What did you do?Did you enjoy it?

Do you think the Internet can be helpful in a disaster?

Could the Internet be used for bad purposes in a disaster?

Have you ever given money to a charity?

How do you decide what charity to give to?

Are you willing to donate money to help victims of a natural disaster in your country? How much?

Are you willing to donate money to help victims of a natural disaster in other countries? How much?

How much money should your government give to help victims of natural disasters in your country and how much to help people living in other countries?

What is a disaster?

Have you ever been in a disaster?

What are some different kinds of disasters?

What kind of disasters are common in your country?

What is the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane?

What is the difference between a tornado and a hurricane?

What is disaster insurance?Do most people have it?

Are there ways we can prepare ourselves in advance to cope with disasters?

How are businesses affected by disasters?

How are families affected by disasters?

How are the problems solved after a disaster?

If you had the power to stop a natural disaster that has happened in the past, which would you choose? Why?

What is the difference between natural disasters and manmade disasters? Can you name a few of each type? Where do these usually often occur?

Do some natural disasters occur repeatedly in the same area? Do many people live in these areas?

What are examples of manmade disasters?

What examples are there of natural disasters? What kind of damage can occur in each case? Have you ever been in a natural disaster? Do you know anyone who has been in a natural disaster? Can you find someone in the class who has been in a natural disaster? What natural disasters occur in your country?

Are you prepared for a disaster?

What can you do to prepare for a disaster?

Do you know someone who has been in a disaster?

How do you think you would react in a disaster?

How can we help children who are victims of disasters?

Does your family have a plan for what to do in the event of an earthquake?

Have you ever been injured?

Have you ever had a broken leg?

Can you find the story of anyone who lived through a disaster?

What would you do if you knew there would soon be a serious natural disaster and this could be your last day on earth?